Monday, May 30, 2011

On another note

Here is a little bit of my latest inspiration, both for my own art as well as some photo shoot ideas and some cake stuff......

Ok SO.... ya, I went a little overboard but next time I'll be a little more thorough in my explanations. I really love the lighting in a lot of these photos as well...Mary Kate and Ashley....I love them.... I don't know why or how but I do they are beautiful...

Back tomorrow with more ideas and thoughts maybe a recipe or two .... I have a lot of catching up to do with this whole blogging thing. Need to make it a little more substantial.

xx S

A little bit of stuff

Hey so I'm back at it...need to keep on this...
going to try and get into the habit of posting cute outfits and a lot more pictures and recipes.... as summer is getting closer I'll hopefully be busy but not too busy for a post every other day...

So the other day we were at a show and shine that my dad entered that's a picture of little pupper in her nuckers jersey....its personally a new favvvvvvvvv so so so cute.

I have also attached a couple of my recent outfits as well as a picture from an airbrushing photoshoot that my friend preeti did at blanche macdonald!!!

xx S

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I have an on and off relationship with food. I want to be healthy and look good and be thin, but there is an unending battle between myself and food and what I want and how other people look at me.

If only it was as simple as this is what I want to look like and this is what I want to eat. The two don't usually look like 1+1=2 its never that simple.

Also I must add that this gray cloudyness that is my wednesday afternoon isn't helping the mood or desire to stay motivated.

I need to come up with a balanced food and exercise plan ... if anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear back..

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Been gone

I've been so busy with work and school and drawing that I've neglected my blog. I will be back with a vengeance come Saturday posting pictures I've taken of my own art work. I don't just want to google then post!

I really want one of these hats though need somewhere to wear it!! soooooo beautiful I love hats.

Monday, March 21, 2011

learning to do this w/ my phone

Today was Sunday, and it was the 1st sunny day we've had in some time!!! I'm looking forward to the many sunny days to come!!!

I bought a pair of satin pants that dying to wear on a patio just a few more degrees to go.

Baked some amazing chocolate chip cookies today, they were perfectly soft even after cooling I will post the recipe for them soon!!
That's all for tonight!!

PS I got my hands on an SLR camera so look forward to some fun photos!!!

XX - S

Monday, March 14, 2011

More from Banksy.

Something I read in an interview with Banksy. I really love his honesty and the straightforwardness of this quote.

I think that his art being as accessible as it is to the public and him being as unaccesible as he is really adds to the meaning behind his artwork, which despite what some people might think it really is.

"The art world is the biggest joke going. It’s a rest home for the overprivileged, the pretentious, and the weak. And modern art is a disgrace – never have so many people used so much stuff and taken so long to say so little. Still, the plus side is it’s probably the easiest business in the world to walk into with no talent and make a few bucks."

Friday, March 11, 2011